There still appears to be some confusion as to the numbers of 100% pedigree Suffolk Punches in Australia to date.: March 2022. The phrase “100% pedigree Suffolk Punch” means that both the Sire and the Dam have been entered in the pedigree register of:
- The Suffolk Horse Society in the UK, or:
- The North American Suffolk Horse Association
Note: The Australian Suffolk Punch Registry & Grading-up Registry (ASPGUR) maintains a record of both The UK SHS registered Suffolk Horses, and NASHA registered Horses (100% Suffolk Punch SHS & NASHA). It does NOT register them.
In the two years since March 2020, five 100% pedigree Suffolk Horses have died in Australia
So how many 100% pedigree Suffolk Punches are in Australia today (March 2022)? To the best of our knowledge:
Ten, 100% pedigree Suffolk Punches
- 1 ageing mare
- 4 young mares
- 1 very young mare
- 3 young stallions
- 1 colt
There are quite a few part-bred and graded horses with Suffolk Punch bloodlines from one or two imported (100%) Suffolk Punch Stallions. Many of these have the look of a Suffolk and are fine looking animals. They are not, however, routinely registered with UK Suffolk Horse Society, except for only one or two rare exceptions.
In Australia all part-bred or grade horses meeting the criteria are eligible for registration with the ASPGUR. Some of these progeny are registered with The Australian Suffolk Punch & Grading-up Registry as full draught grade horses, but also part-bred grade: unfortunately, not all.
This is disappointing because accurate documentation must be kept to ensure:
- integrity in the breeding records,
- identification of the animal
- which must include DNA Analysis if wishing to continue grading up with the horse.
*NB. with the ASPGUR, grading up may be via either the Sire and or the Dam.
© Eleanor Yvonne Hatch, Suffolk Punch Australia 2022