Foaled 30 Sep 2006
Dam: WoodBarn Sydeley
Sire: Forge Wood Benjamin 8908
A Type 2 filly (50% Suffolk) WoodBarn Chloe surprised us all by arriving a few days earlier than the projected foaling date.

We moved her into the safer Round Yard and both settled down for a snooze.

WoodBarn Chloe was born in the severe drought. 2006 was one of the worst of the 8-10 year drought.

Despite the drought, WoodBarn Sydeley produced more than sufficient milk for WoodBarn Chloe, on just the grass in the paddock.

Shown here at six years old, WoodBarn Chloe was growing into her mature size. She has retained the sweet nature she was born with.

© Eleanor Yvonne Hatch, Australian Suffolk Punch Registry & Grading Up Registry 2006-2017